About Us




How it works


Login into your area. Facial recognition is used so you know only real people are on the website.


Create/Participate in Polls with your local neighbors. Your polls can be ideas, suggestions, and solutions that will make your community and schools better. Everyone in your community will vote on the polls.


The poll with the most votes will be forwarded to the respective city council, school board, and state official.


The polls and voting will be ran in two week increments, first week will be for creating a poll and the next week will be for voting.

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About Spearhead

Our motto, "Strength in Accountability," underscores our commitment to responsibility.

We hold ourselves accountable to our children, ensuring their future is bright.

Elected officials are held accountable to the citizens they serve, fostering trust and transparency in governance.

In turn, citizens are accountable to their elected officials, actively engaging in shaping the community's direction.

By working together, we can foster a thriving community where highly educated children flourish.

Spread the word about Spearhead.page to your friends and neighbors. The more people engage, the quicker our community can unite for the collective benefit of all.

Need Any Help


Make your voice heard at School Board and City Council Meetings From Home or work

The poll with the most votes will then be forwarded to the respective board, council, or state entity. Now instead of only one voice, they will receive an email showing hundreds or even thousands of people who voted for a poll. When elected officials see participation from their constituents, they will take notice of the poll that has been emailed to them. The polls will go to all board members and city council members. Then you can see what elected officials really care about.

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Get Started

Make your voice heard at School Board and City Council Meetings From Home or work.

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