Do you want Highly Educated Children and A Prosperous Community.

Welcome to Spearhead

Welcome to, where your voice connects with school boards and City Councils, anonymously.

  • Do you want your voice heard in regards to males competing in female sports?
  • Do you prioritize safeguarding our cities and schools from the influence of communism?
  • Do you support tax reduction initiatives?
  • Do you feel disenfranchised when it comes to local political representation?

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How it works

Step 1: Registration:

  • Choose your State, City, and School District.
  • If options are unavailable, visit the contact page to request your State, City, and School District be added to the database.

Step 2: Facial Recognition:

  • Upon selecting your State, City, and School District, undergo a facial scan for security.
  • Facial recognition serves solely for human verification and secure login purposes.
  • This measure ensures each user is a genuine local resident and limits each user to one account.

Step 3: Poll Creation:

  • Upon registration, create and browse polls for your city council and school board anonymously.
  • Share your ideas, suggestions, and solutions for the betterment of your community and school district.

Step 4: Voting Process:

  • Polls created run for a week. In the subsequent week, review and vote on polls.
  • The poll with the highest number of votes is forwarded to the city council or school board via email.

Step 5: Community Involvement:

  • Encourage your family, friends, and colleagues to participate.
  • Garner the attention of elected officials by generating polls with hundreds to thousands of votes.

Step 6: Goal:

  • Strive for the achievement of Highly Educated Children and a Prosperous Community.
  • Unite to hold elected officials accountable for their actions.

The goal of is to achieve Highly Educated Children and a Prosperous Community. Let's come together and make our elected officials accountable....

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About Spearhead

Our motto, "Strength in Accountability," underscores our commitment to responsibility.

We hold ourselves accountable to our children, ensuring their future is bright.

Elected officials are held accountable to the citizens they serve, fostering trust and transparency in governance.

In turn, citizens are accountable to their elected officials, actively engaging in shaping the community's direction.

By working together, we can foster a thriving community where highly educated children flourish.

Spread the word about to your friends and neighbors. The more people engage, the quicker our community can unite for the collective benefit of all.

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You will receive a under construction when you are registering, because we need you to send one email address from your city council member and an email address from a school board member.

City Council Board Members

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School District Board Members

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Make your voice heard at School Board and City Council Meetings From Home or work.

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